Diane E. Reck, DDS
Meet Dr. Reck
Dr. Reck is a general dentist practicing in Colorado Springs since 2000. She completed a Bachelor of Arts from Canisius College, NY, in 1985 and graduated with honors from the State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine in 1989. Afterwards, she served in the United States Air Force for 3 ½ years before moving to Colorado Springs. Dr. Reck has been married for 30 years to Dr. Steve Reck. Along with her personal accomplishment, Dr. Reck has two daughters. One daughter is a practicing dentist in the United States Air Force and the other is a physical therapist. Dr. Reck appreciates the wonderful outdoor lifestyle Colorado provides. She enjoys running, hiking and other outdoor activities as often as possible, striking a perfect balance of family and practice.